Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do I grow my nails long in 3 weeks?

I have to get french tips for my sisters wedding in 3 weeks. I want to have long nails because it looks better. Any tips on how to grow them long fast?How do I grow my nails long in 3 weeks?
dont get fake nails. they mess your real ones up.

1. put a nail strenther on your nails everyday

2. dont prow open things

3. wear gloves when washing dishes

4.be sure to paint your nails so they give an urge not to bite them

well i hope this helpedd?

! XDHow do I grow my nails long in 3 weeks?
Yeah what she said stick ons but i guess your doinq the natural french it looks better that way but there's this nail polish that claims it grows nails faster you can find it in pharmacy's check it out....
yes go to a store like walmart or whatever they have there where you are, and buy some nail-growing formula ($5-ish). its next to the nail polish at a store. My nails NEVER grow...i bite them, but i always use it for long nails in less than ONE week.

for real.

Best of luck =)
They grow over my finger tips in a week.

I know this sounds silly, but eat Farlys rusks is it called?

Yeah the baby food. It made my hair grow about an inch in 2 weeks.
get an acrylic
My nails grow REALLY long in like 1 week.

*clips nails really short*
why dont u just get fake ones

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