Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cutting very long nails on a dog? Even with the quick at the tip of the nail?

This dog does not allow nail clipping. Although she is walked frequently on the road, they won't wear down. I am sure it is painful to the toes of the dog. Can she be sedated and the nails be cut past the quick? How painful will it be if that is recommended by the vet? They are like really long, and desperately need to be cut. Any suggestions about this?Cutting very long nails on a dog? Even with the quick at the tip of the nail?
The nails should not be cut anywhere beyond the quick of the nail.

What does the trick for my mom's dogs, recommended by veternarian, give the dog a little benadryl. But do not give your dog anything without consulting with a licensed veternarian.Cutting very long nails on a dog? Even with the quick at the tip of the nail?
I think the best thing to do would be to take your dog to a groomer and ask there opinion. Some groomers have calming agents that calm dogs before clipping nails. Cutting the nail behind the quick would be like cutting your finger nail right back behind your quick. It would really hurt her. If the groomer has no suggestions take her to the vet.
Yes, they can sedate the dog to do it.

Some dogs have long quicks, like mine.

You have to start cutting them back little by little to wear down the quick, without it bleeding like crazy.

They may file it down as well, which is a bit less scary and painful for a dog.
We finaly found a groomer who had been doing it for 30 years-we tried -but doggie hated it-we took her to a vet-they cut it too far back and hurt her-I THINK THE PROFESSIONALS DO A BETTER JOB--- LOVE DJ
OH boy, you do have a problem. You may need the vet to help you on this one. BUT...try giving the dog a warm bath and then clipping just the tip of the nails while they are still very soft.there should still be a bit of non-quick tissue there. Have someone help you by giving treats or putting peanut butter on their fingers for dog to lick off ( a great distraction). Then in a week, do it again and keep repeating until you get them down. Or, if you have to have help from the vet this time, try the bath and peanut butter trick in a few weeks. If the dog begins to associate nail-cutting with something good happening it will help a lot.
dogs nails should be clipped WEEKLY,, how long did you let this go???

get a dremmel and file them little bit, every other day or so til the quik recedes.. and do not neglect them again
The vet can definitely sedate the dog %26amp; cut them down quite short.

It won't hurt the dog at all.

If she were awake when the vet cut them - it would be a very quick ';ouch'; - the pain would disappear in just a second.

But - for the dog's sake - and for the vet's - make it easier on both of them %26amp; have her sedated.

One of my friends ALWAYS has her dog's nails done this way as he won't tolerate having his nails cut. Have the vet cut them REALLY short. That way it has to be done less often.

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